pewiSYS is a dealer of Newland Engineering Co Limited, a manufacturer and supplier of loading/unloading systems for general cargo.
The product range consists of:
telescopic belt conveyors, telescopic roller conveyors, flexible accordion-driven roller conveyors, mobile belt conveyors, and mobile gravity roller conveyors.
Newland telescopic belt conveyors are commonly used for transporting:
- Small boxes;
- Bulk bags;
- Large volumes.
A telescopic belt conveyor consists of a base frame from which one or multiple sections can automatically extend. By extending the sections from the base frame, the system can be guided into the container or truck. The belt runs through the base frame and around the section(s). The front section is equipped with LED lighting (for illumination inside the container/truck).
There are various telescopic configurations available:
- Elevated chassis (for ground-level situations)
- Mobile configuration (for multiple loading/unloading docks)
- Swiveling configuration
- Hydraulically height-adjustable configuration.
pewiSYS enables you to acquire a Newland telescopic belt conveyor in order to:
- Purchase (new or refurbished). (Contact us for more information on Newland loading and unloading systems).
- Renting allows you to test the belt conveyor before making a purchase. It provides a temporary and quickly deployable solution.